
Many PCP tenderers choose to apply together with international partners in a joint tender (consortium) to be able to fulfill all of the tender requirements.

Their profiles are posted below to allow for identifying the best partnerhsips. For each supplier seeking partnerhships, basic information in the form of tags is provided, along with a more detailed profile.


Search tags aim to display at a glance the needs of the listed organisations. They are grouped based on:

Type of partnership coordinators looking for further partners, or partners looking for coordinators

Building blocks seeking to partner with organisations to address relevant building blocks

Organisation type

  • Type of partnership

  • Organisation types

  • Building blocks

  • Organisation size


Open to discuss Seeking a coordinator Seeking a partner
Dynamic pathway planning and design Ex-ante impact assessment concerning alternative service pathways Task-based staff planning and skills matching
Health/ICT SME


Open to discuss Seeking a partner
Dynamic pathway planning and design Task-based staff planning and skills matching
Health/ICT SME

RESULT d.o.o.

Open to discuss Seeking a partner
Dynamic pathway planning and design Ex-ante impact assessment concerning alternative service pathways Task-based staff planning and skills matching
Health/ICT SME

Insati Innovation

Open to discuss Seeking a coordinator
Dynamic pathway planning and design
Health/ICT SME

Ergobyte Informatics S.A.

Open to discuss Seeking a coordinator Seeking a partner
Dynamic pathway planning and design Task-based staff planning and skills matching
Health/ICT SME


Open to discuss Seeking a coordinator
Dynamic pathway planning and design Ex-ante impact assessment concerning alternative service pathways
Health/ICT SME


Open to discuss
Dynamic pathway planning and design
Health/ICT SME

İnnova Bilişim Çözümleri A.Ş.

Open to discuss Seeking a coordinator Seeking a partner
Dynamic pathway planning and design Ex-ante impact assessment concerning alternative service pathways Task-based staff planning and skills matching
Health/ICT Large company


Open to discuss
Dynamic pathway planning and design
Health/ICT SME

Nazaríes intelligenia

Open to discuss Seeking a coordinator Seeking a partner
Dynamic pathway planning and design Ex-ante impact assessment concerning alternative service pathways Task-based staff planning and skills matching
Health/ICT SME