International OMC

July 6, 2023 10:00

Interested in the presentation?


Scope document for the OMC

If you would like to better understand what is expected in Dynamo PCP have a look at this detailed description of the building blocks and use cases. Please note that this is draft information with the purpose of consulting the market and that it might differ from the final versions included in the Call for Tenders.

OMC Questionnaire

If you are searching partners for a joint tender and would like to appear on the Matchmaking section of this website, you can register by completing the OMC questionnaire. This part of the questionnaire will remain open until the closure of the Call for Tenders.


All times are given in local time

10:00 – 10:10
Welcome and introduction to Dynamo
Oscar Zanutto (ISRAA)
10:10 – 10:40
Dynamo challenges and scope
Lutz Kubitschke (empirica)
10:40 – 11:00
Q&A Block 1
11:00 – 11:10
Dynamo PCP phases and tender process
Klaus Piesche (empirica)
11:10 – 11:20
Dynamo Open Market Consultation and next steps
Ulises Pisano (TBM)
11:20 – 11:30
Q&A Block 2
11:30 – 12:30
Breakout rooms – 1 | Pitching session for consortium building – 2 | Feedback from external procurers

The breakout rooms

Breakout room 1: Pitching session for consortium building.

  • This slot is aimed at facilitating networking and matchmaking of market players.  
  • Each organisation is invited to make a 2 min pitch to introduce their organisation, value they can offer in a joint proposal, areas of support sought and contact information.

Due to time constraints, we will host up to 20 pitches, but there is no limit of attendees participating as listeners. In the event of an over-registration, the participants to make the pitch will be selected in chronological order of registration.

Participants must send their 1-slide presentation to  before July 04 using the following template.

Breakout room 2: Feedback from external procurers.

This session offers the opportunity to discuss the envisaged DYNAMO solution from the perspective of procurers who are not members of the DYNAMO consortium. In particular, any benefits you may see in potentially applying the envisaged planning tool within your own local/national implementation context is to be discussed. In addition, concrete requirements that you might place on the envisaged DYNAMO solution should be identified.

This breakout room is targeted at external procurers, but any participant is welcome to attend.